‘White Man’ Has Brought Humanity To Verge of Extinction

by State Brief

Climate Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, Ayisha Siddiqa of Pakistan, was recently filmed telling an audience the “white man” has brought mankind to the brink of extinction.

Siddiqa, who is a proponent of socialism and Marxism, said during a recent speech that “the climate crisis is white man-made.”

The radical UN advisor blamed “capitalism, colonialism and racial oppression” for ushering in the alleged climate crisis.

“The way that we save our planet is when we protect the most vulnerable communities among us. This includes black trans women. This includes indigenous people. It includes children and young folks because when we protect them, we protect everybody else,” she stated.

Some now-deleted social media posts by Siddiqa also claimed white males are responsible for a climate crisis she thinks could soon render humanity extinct!

“The white man” has also allegedly “killed, looted and abused” the Earth just as the white man did with “black and brown people,” according to the far-left UN Climate Advisor.

The NWO is becoming more openly anti-white as it prepares to erase the progress made by Western civilization by intentionally collapsing modern society.

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